

To be honest I’m not a huge cognac fan but I always enjoy Hennessy.

Thee very first time I had this drank I was still in high school. My sisters boyfriend used to bribe me with this bottle whenever he wants to impress her and I didn’t mind because I love alcohol (I still do actually) I always new it was a fairly expensive bottle. Now I make enough money to buy it myself but I still choose not to though because I’m a vodka kinda guy. Although I prefer spirits than your whiskeys or cognac or even brandy actually. I tend to enjoy them from time to time as this is my number one choice, mixed with just ice and spring water it’s amazing. It puts me in a good mood and mellows me nicely, a hangover when you drink Hennessy is close to none existent. Although I tend to want to finish the whole bottle alone, it’s always better when you share. It’s definitely a first choice and I love it!!!

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